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Defense Attorney Brian Whitelaw on The Relationship Between Physician, Defense Counsel, and Insurance Carrier

    Despite the likelihood of being sued, most physicians are inadequately prepared to understand the dynamics affecting the relationship between physician, defense attorney and insurance company. Shortly after your lawsuit is served, a meeting or telephone conference will typically be scheduled with your insurance claim representative. The malpractice carrier will also send a letter acknowledging receipt… Read More »Defense Attorney Brian Whitelaw on The Relationship Between Physician, Defense Counsel, and Insurance Carrier

    Relationships During Litigation: With Our Fellow Professionals

      (Respecting the concerns of legal and insurance counsel, we can talk about our feelings with trusted confidants but not the specifics of the case.) Our pre-litigation manner of relating to our extended family, our medical colleagues, and our friends and acquaintances will be mirrored in our post-litigation relationships, The more intimate we are with members… Read More »Relationships During Litigation: With Our Fellow Professionals

      Relationships During Malpractice Litigation: With Our Spouse or Significant Other

        (Respecting the concerns of legal and insurance counsel, we can talk about our feelings with trusted confidants but not the specifics of the case.) Lawsuits markedly affect our most intimate relationships, especially our marriage. Our first decision is whether we are going to share that we have been sued with our spouse or our closest… Read More »Relationships During Malpractice Litigation: With Our Spouse or Significant Other