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Support Groups

This is for real. This is a movement.

    These were the inspiring words of Sandeep Kishore, MD at NAM Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience. Gerri Donohue, an Advisory Board member of Physician Litigation Stress, attended this conference on May 2, 2018. She walked away with words that represent a renewed spirit in the community…

    Psychologist William Gunn on “A New Hampshire State Medical Society Peer Group Support Program

      A New Hampshire physician who experienced the stress and personal trauma of adverse events and litigation felt a strong desire to help others when faced with similar situations. She “went public”, discussed her experience in the local newspaper, and engaged the State Medical Society in creating a statewide peer support program. A steering committee was… Read More »Psychologist William Gunn on “A New Hampshire State Medical Society Peer Group Support Program

      Do Disclosure and Early Resolution Programs Work?

        Mello, Boothman, McDonald et al’s report in the January 2014 issue of Health Affairs ( on “Communication-And-Resolution (CRP) Programs: The Challenges and Lessons Learned from Six Early Adopters.” (; PMID # 243959310) reviews two models of such programs as well as the lessons learned after 6 years of operation. The first, an early settlement model… Read More »Do Disclosure and Early Resolution Programs Work?

        Litigation Stress Support: How Organizations Can Help

          There is ample evidence that an adverse event, the threat of litigation or, of course, litigation itself causes significant emotional distress to any healthcare practitioner who may be involved.  Because of several factors (shame and/or humiliation, the fear of discoverability of conversations, or the lack of training of peers to effectively support each other), individuals… Read More »Litigation Stress Support: How Organizations Can Help