Category Archives: The Litigation Experience

Defense Attorney Brian Whitelaw on The Relationship Between Physician, Defense Counsel, and Insurance Carrier

Despite the likelihood of being sued, most physicians are inadequately prepared to understand the dynamics affecting the relationship between physician, defense attorney and insurance company. Shortly after your lawsuit is served, a meeting or telephone conference will typically be scheduled with your insurance claim representative. The malpractice carrier will also send a letter acknowledging receipt…
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Can I Talk to Anyone About My Lawsuit?

“It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice, tell me I ought to do.” – Edmund Burke (1729-1797) It is normal and healthy to want to express how we feel after we experience any major life event. This is especially true for physicians facing medical malpractice…
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From Doctor to Defendant: Trusting Our Attorney (Part 4 of 4)

FOLLOW THE ATTORNEY'S ADVICE. We all appreciate being heard and agree that listening is an art practiced by two. Because our case is played out in the unfamiliar territory of the court, we must sharpen our listening skills and keep our minds open to what our defense attorneys advise about the strategies, approaches, and timing…
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